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History Of Medical And Spiritual Sciences Of Siddhas Of Tamil Nadu Download Epub Mobi Pdf Fb2

History of Medical and Spiritual Sciences of Siddhas of Tamil Nadu

History of Medical and Spiritual Sciences of Siddhas of Tamil Nadu

The Siddhas were mystics of ancient India who believed that human race was created to excel in knowledge and help human societies form an advanced civilization on the Earth. They knew that they needed to live longer and even become immortals to achieve this goal. In Indian context, Siddhas were considered as doctors, but in Western context, such people were called Philosophers. Nevertheless, a deeper understanding of Siddhas' poetic scripts reveals their different faces such as scientific thinkers, social reformers, priest kings, pioneers of advanced cultures, etc. Siddhas speak about spirit, soul and body in their scripts. They also compare cosmos, nature and earth in their science. The unique attainment of Siddhas could be their mastery over physical and cosmic sciences. Siddhas believed that physical science is comparable with cosmic science. Thus, through their physical and cosmic observations, they succeeded in inventing ambrosia of Gods and many became Gods themselves.

This article is based on the book by P Karthigayan, published by Notion Press in 2016. The book is available for download in epub, mobi, pdf and fb2 formats from various online sources. The book covers various aspects of Siddha history, culture, philosophy, medicine, alchemy, yoga, spirituality and more. The book also provides biographical sketches of some prominent Siddhas and their works. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Siddha tradition and its contributions to humanity.


Who were the Siddhas?

The word Siddha means "one who has attained perfection" or "one who has achieved a supernatural power". The Siddhas were a group of sages who practiced various forms of yoga and meditation to attain enlightenment and supernatural powers. They also developed a system of medicine and alchemy based on their knowledge of herbs, metals, minerals and other natural substances. They wrote their wisdom in poetic verses called "Siddha Paadalgal" or "Siddha Songs" in Tamil language. These songs contain secrets of life, health, longevity, immortality, spirituality and more.

The origin of the Siddha tradition is shrouded in mystery. Some scholars believe that the Siddhas were prehistoric sages who lived before the Vedic period. Some others believe that the Siddhas were influenced by the Vedic sages or vice versa. Some others trace the origin of the Siddhas to the Dravidian civilization that flourished in South India before the Aryan invasion. Some others link the Siddhas to the Shaivite tradition that worships Lord Shiva as the supreme deity. Some others associate the Siddhas with the Tantric tradition that uses esoteric rituals and practices to achieve spiritual goals.

Whatever may be the origin of the Siddha tradition, it is clear that it is one of the oldest and richest traditions of India that has contributed immensely to the fields of medicine, alchemy, yoga, spirituality and more. The Siddhas have also influenced other traditions such as Ayurveda, Buddhism, Jainism, Saivism, Vaishnavism, etc.

What did the Siddhas achieve?

The Siddhas achieved many remarkable feats through their mastery over physical and cosmic sciences. Some of these feats are:

  • Kaaya Siddhi: This is the ability to transform one's body into any desired form or substance. The Siddhas used this power to change their appearance, age, gender, size, shape, etc. They also used this power to create artificial bodies or clones for themselves or others. They also used this power to turn their bodies into gold or other metals or minerals.

  • Jala Siddhi: This is the ability to control water or any liquid substance. The Siddhas used this power to walk on water, create rain or drought, change the taste or quality of water or any liquid substance.

  • Agni Siddhi: This is the ability to control fire or any source of heat or light. The Siddhas used this power to create fire from thin air, produce heat or cold from their bodies or objects, manipulate light or darkness.

  • Vaayu Siddhi: This is the ability to control air or any gaseous substance. The Siddhas used this power to fly in the air, create wind or storm, breathe underwater or in space, communicate telepathically.

  • Prithvi Siddhi: This is the ability to control earth or any solid substance. The Siddhas used this power to move mountains, create earthquakes, levitate objects, turn stones into gems.

  • Aakaasha Siddhi: This is the ability to control space or any dimension. The Siddhas used this power to travel across time and space, create portals or wormholes, enter parallel universes, access higher realms.

  • Amrita Siddhi: This is the ability to create or obtain the elixir of life that grants immortality. The Siddhas used this power to prolong their lives indefinitely, cure any disease or injury, reverse aging, regenerate any lost organ or limb.

These are some of the major powers that the Siddhas possessed. There are many more powers that the Siddhas had such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, mind control, invisibility, etc. The Siddhas also had a deep understanding of the nature of reality and the secrets of creation. They knew how to manipulate the five elements (Panchaboothas) that constitute everything in the universe. They knew how to balance the three qualities (Thredhas) that govern the human nature. They knew how to activate the seven energy centers (Chakras) that regulate the human body and mind. They knew how to awaken the latent potential (Kundalini) that lies at the base of the spine. They knew how to merge with the supreme consciousness (Shiva) that pervades everything in existence.

Why should we learn from the Siddhas?

The Siddhas have left behind a rich legacy of knowledge and wisdom for us to learn from. Their teachings are relevant and useful for us even today. By learning from the Siddhas, we can:

  • Improve our health and well-being: The Siddha system of medicine is one of the oldest and most effective systems of healing in the world. It uses natural herbs, metals, minerals and other substances to treat various diseases and disorders. It also uses yoga, meditation, diet and lifestyle modifications to prevent and cure illnesses. The Siddha system of medicine is holistic and comprehensive. It treats not only the symptoms but also the root cause of the disease. It also considers the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the patient. The Siddha system of medicine can help us improve our health and well-being in a natural and safe way.

  • Enhance our intelligence and creativity: The Siddha system of alchemy is one of the most advanced and sophisticated systems of science in the world. It uses various processes and techniques to transform base metals into gold or other precious metals or substances. It also uses various methods and formulas to create or obtain various substances or objects with extraordinary properties or powers. The Siddha system of alchemy is not only a material science but also a spiritual science. It aims at transforming not only matter but also mind and soul. It also aims at achieving not only wealth but also wisdom and bliss. The Siddha system of alchemy can help us enhance our intelligence and creativity in a scientific and spiritual way.

  • Expand our consciousness and awareness: The Siddha system of yoga is one of the most profound and powerful systems of spirituality in the world. It uses various postures, breathing exercises, gestures, sounds and visualizations to harmonize the body, mind and spirit. It also uses various stages of meditation, concentration, contemplation and absorption to attain higher states of consciousness and awareness. The Siddha system of yoga is not only a physical exercise but also a mental discipline and a spiritual practice. It aims at achieving not only health but also happiness and peace. It also aims at realizing not only oneself but also God. The Siddha system of yoga can help us expand our consciousness and awareness in a physical and metaphysical way.

These are some of the benefits that we can gain by learning from the Siddhas. There are many more benefits that we can discover by exploring their works and teachings. The Siddhas have given us a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom that can enrich our lives in every aspect.

How can we learn from the Siddhas?

The best way to learn from the Siddhas is to read their original works or authentic translations or commentaries on them. There are many books available on various topics related to the Siddha tradition such as history, culture, philosophy, medicine, alchemy, yoga, spirituality and more. Some of some of the books that are recommended for learning from the Siddhas are: - [History of Medical and Spiritual Sciences of Siddhas of Tamil Nadu] by P Karthigayan: This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Siddha tradition and its contributions to medicine, alchemy, yoga, spirituality and more. The book covers various aspects of Siddha history, culture, philosophy, medicine, alchemy, yoga, spirituality and more. The book also provides biographical sketches of some prominent Siddhas and their works. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the Siddha tradition and its contributions to humanity. - [Siddha Medicine: Principles and Practice] by Dr. T Thirunarayan


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